MiRNEye Website (Unstyled Version)


Annotation Summary

The expression patterns obtained were annotated based on the overall signal distribution and on the anatomical structures and/or cell-types that stained positive for miRNA expression. The terms and abbreviations used for the annotation are described briefly below.

nd: ‘not detected’; term applied in the absence of a visible signal.

reg/1-2-3: ‘regional’; term applied whenever the signal was restricted to specific cells or structures.

ubi/1-2-3: ‘ubiquitous’; term applied when a uniform signal was visible across the entire section.

uwp/1-2-3: ‘ubiquitous with pattern’; term applied for head sections at E16.5 and P0 in cases where a signal was detected in most cells with some structures showing stronger staining.

…/1-2-3: numbers represent a scale of approximate signal intensity. (Please note that RNA in situ hybridization does not provide absolute quantitative data.)

Anatomical Structures

BR = Brain
CB = Ciliary body
GCL = Ganglion Cell Layer
INBL = Inner Neuroblastic Layer
INL = Inner Nuclear Layer
IR = Iris
OLF = Olfactory epithelium
ONBL = Outer Neuroblastic Layer
ONL = Outer Nuclear Layer
PHOT = Photoreceptors
RPE = Retinal Pigment Epithelium

mmu-miR-181c at P60

Annotation Summary
Anatomical Structures "GCL, INL"
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